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Get to know your members


Powered by Flinks®, ASAPP OXP inSIGHT distills and displays member data to inform lending decisioning in the LOS module. This powerful feature is enabled by ASAPP OXP’s Flinks integration and a custom set of Flinks Attributes, leading to conclusions about income information, payment behaviour and more.


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Key Features

Customer management
Customer management
Access and update complete member profiles, including account information to simplify conversations and identify the most relevant opportunities for individuals and organizations.
Account snapshot & detail view
Account snapshot & detail view
Snapshot and detailed views of accounts associated with members provide the ability to respond quickly to requests without changing systems.
Innovative decisioning engine
Innovative decisioning engine
Our decisioning model is highly configurable for lending and rate determinations. It’s also simple to configure and understand for lending and risk management.
24/7/365 access to your data
24/7/365 access to your data
Connect to your entire ecosystem with real-time access to live ASAPP OXP data.
Core integration
Core integration
Up-to-date profile information is available in real-time, with changes made to your member profiles pushed directly to your core banking system.
Third-party integrations
Third-party integrations
Integrations with Flinks® allow all relevant data to be synthesized from within ASAPP OXP.

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