9 Atlantic Credit Unions Launch Omnichannel Account and Loan Origination with ASAPP
League Data and ASAPP are pleased to announce that 9 additional credit unions joined the initial 6 pilot credit union organizations (Bayview, CUA, Eagle River, East Coast, Newfoundland & Labrador, and Provincial Credit Unions) in launching ASAPP’s omnichannel experience platform.
In June, Advance Savings, Beaubear, EasternEdge, Hamilton Sound, Leading Edge, New Brunswick Teachers Association, OMISTA, Reddy Kilowatt, and Valley Credit Unions became the latest group of Atlantic Credit Unions to deliver ASAPP account and lending origination technology to their members. The launch represented the first of four groups of Atlantic credit unions that will onboard ASAPP’s technology across the first year of the multi-year technology agreement that League Data and ASAPP executed earlier this year.
Chad Griffin, League Data CIO, noted: “It was great to hit our first major milestone of our implementation project this year, and we are excited to have 15 credit unions who now have access to the platform. Our team, in conjunction with the Atlantic Central and ASAPP teams, have done an amazing job of supporting our partners as they move forward on their digital transformation journeys.” He added: “We would like to thank this first group of credit unions that followed the initial pilot group and helped our team continue to establish a robust configuration, implementation and documentation process.”
League Data and ASAPP are currently in the process of configuring and implementing the ASAPP OXP solution with the next group of Atlantic credit unions who will move into production this Fall.
For more information about League Data Ltd. and the digital transformation journey for Atlantic credit unions, please contact League Data. To learn more about the ASAPP OXP | omnichannel experience platform or to schedule a demo for your organization please visit asappbanking.com.
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About ASAPP Financial Technology
ASAPP delivers Custom Experience Software and Digital Agency Services that create sustainable competitive advantages for regulated financial service providers as they compete against direct-to-consumer fintech solutions. ASAPP OXP is Canada’s most complete omnichannel experience platform for the financial services industry.
About League Data
As Chief Information Officer (CIO) for the Atlantic System, League Data Ltd. provides technology leadership in the area of banking solutions, aligned with regional and national credit union system initiatives that support member growth and system efficiencies. League Data provides over 50 seamless, fully integrated technology solutions from key vendors to deliver a member-first experience while meeting the evolving banking needs of both credit unions and their members. Through leadership and innovation, League Data engages with Atlantic Canadian credit unions to understand their strategies, ensuring organizational development and support remains relevant and responsive to their needs.
Media Contact
JR Pierman
President & CEO
ASAPP Financial Technology Inc.
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